This is an Alessandro Crossbred Mutt 1×12 combo. 40W of 6L6 goodness in a relatively small, lightweight package. It’s a very straightforward circuit, laid out nicely, and easy to work on. I admire the workmanship in this amp, even though I really don’t like carbon comp resistors.
So, the amp came in with a blown 6L6 and a shorted output transformer. Easily resolved, despite having to purchase the OT from Alessandro directly. The tube failure also took a screen resistor with it. And, no surprise, one of the carbon comp grid resistors cracked from the heat.
Once I had the amp back up an running, I found that the reverb tank was dead. (Turns out this has been a recurring problem in this amp.) Alessandro opted to mount the tank on the vertical side of the amp chassis, which makes the tank a special order. With my customer’s OK, I changed it to a readily available tank that mounts on the cab bottom. (You know… like a normal amp.)
With everything back together, the amp is impressive. It has a BIG sound that belies its stature and weight. It is punchy, and crystal clear. I can see a lot of reasons that this amp is my customer’s preferred gigging amp.